Supplies and Food for Families
This project is about a small community of 5 families that live a very tough life. They make their living by collecting recyclable material from garbage fill areas. This is grueling tough labor. These people would be doing this tough & dangerous work without gloves, or boots, or appropriate gear just to take care of their families.
This is third world living in the toughest conditions with the toughest of laboring jobs imaginable. Through the support of my team, I was able to purchase them safety gear, gloves, boots, and mini-trailers to help with their job. Along with this we gave them a boost of food, supplies, and many things for their children. I purchased their families backpacks, books, art supplies, and toys to help get them a small jump towards reducing stress and adding a little fun in their lives.
I share this with you for perspective on your daily living. Many of us are extremely fortunate and don’t quite realize it.. I know I can go through times in which my problems seem so big are relatively small and easy to handle compared to what many other people go through.